The Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) of Perusda MBS East Kalimantan Province was established at the end of 2020.
In late 2020, East Kalimantan Province Perusda MBS PPID Officials and Officers were formed based on the Decree of the East Kalimantan Province Perusda MBS Directors regarding Information and Documentation Management Officers (PPID) and Information Officers for East Kalimantan Province MBS Perusda.
The PPID Perusda MBS Officials and Officers for Kalimantan Province
East are as follows:
Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID)
Ahmad Basuki Nugroho, S.H., M.Si
Position: Company Secretary
Information Officer:
Dovist Calvino, S.Kom (Position: Business Development Manager)
Raenaldy Ferryza, S.Kom (Position: IT & General Staff)
Address of the PPID Perusda MBS Office, East Kalimantan Province
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 45 Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province
Tel: 0541-202993/ Fax: 0541-202994

PPID PERUSDA MBS VISION:“To become a superior East Kalimantan BUMD PPID
in the disclosure of information to the public"
Improving transparent public services
Improving public information service facilities
Duties and Functions of PPID Perusda MBS
Coordinate and consolidate the collection of information materials and documentation;
Storing, documenting, providing and providing information services to the public;
Verify public information materials;
Carrying out consequence tests for excluded information based on applicable regulations and analysis of studies of related data and information;
Updating or renewing information and documentation;
Providing information and documentation for the public to access.
Refuse to provide information that is excluded in accordance with statutory provisions;
Refuse to provide information if it is not in accordance with statutory regulations;
Request and obtain information from work units/components/work units within the scope of work;
Provide consideration and study of the scope of providing information, the purpose of the information request and the mechanism for providing information;
Create, collect and maintain information and documentation for and in accordance with the needs of the organization's main tasks and functions;
Coordinate the provision of information services between members of the Assistant PPID in East Kalimantan and/or functional officials within the scope of their work (if any).
PPID's authority is to refuse to provide information that is excluded in accordance with statutory provisions; request and obtain information from work units/components/work units within the scope of their work; coordinating the provision of information services with the Assistant PPID; determine or determine whether or not information can be accessed by the public; assign PPID staff at Perusda MBS to create, collect and maintain information and documentation for organizational needs.
PPID Rights and Obligations. PPID has the right to refuse to provide, provide, and/or publish public information that is excluded and/or not in accordance with statutory regulations. PPID is obliged to provide, provide, and/or publish public information under its authority to public information applicants, other than public information that is excluded and/or not in accordance with statutory regulations.